Mental Health & psychopathology-II

Concept of Normal and Abnormal behavior



  • From Latin word “Norma” means rule standard.
  • Those who follow rules are called as normal. There behaviors are also considered as normal.
  •  Individual is able to perform behavior adequately and efficiently & perform normal function of life
  • Acceptable behavior are normal

  • Ab (prefix) means away from normality
  • those who deviates from rules, standard called abnormal.
  • Disturbance seen in behavior because of cognition and affective domain (emotions) refer to as abnormal.
  • unaccepted behavior are abnormal

Classification/criteria of abnormality:

1.     Personal distress.
2.     Disability
3.     Dysfunction
4.     Deviation from norms
5.     Statistical infrequency

Personal distress:

Situation of Discomfort – distress. Distress can be positive or negative depending on the stressor. Distress is caused by any physical, psychological or environmental stressor.

·         Emotion disturb – distress
·         Severe physical pain – distress
·         Distress – causes disorders

It’s not necessary that every disorder is because of distress.

Spouse’s death, getting divorced, termination from job, losing contact with loved ones, death of family member, hospitalization (self or family member), injury or illness (self or family member and abuse or neglect causes distress.
Disability: Impairment in ability impairment may be psychological or physiological that disturbs our normal functioning. Disability is a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses or activities.

According to the World Health Organization, there are three dimensions of disability:

1)      Impairments include a limb loss, loss of vision or memory loss;

2)      Activity limitation, such as difficulty viewing, listening, walking, or problem solving.

3)      Participation in routine activities, such as working, participating in social and recreational activities, and obtaining health care and preventive services.

Dysfunction: Harm oneself or other people.

Example: depression, patients, schizophrenia

Deviation from Norms: Rules set by society, religion. If individual not follow rules then consider as abnormal

Statistical infrequency: Average behavior of individual. If behavior is normal then it’s frequent

Check frequent behavior – majority behavior normal

Example: normal person consume specific colonies

  •          Bulemia nervosa – Normal consuming
  •          Anorexia – abnormal consuming

Causes of abnormality:

Biological causes:

  • Genes/ Heredity: Problem is present in genes that are transferred to the children from their parents.
  •  Medicine
  • Birth problem- immature birth, birth complications, lack of oxygen and drug abuse by mother.

Psychological – culture: Interrelated with each other

  •      Family issues
  •      Breakup
  •         Past learing
  •     Thought pattern – adaptive may be present in genes – society also play role in occurance of abnormality.

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