Etiology and treatment of autism spectrum disorder

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD):

Autism spectrum disorder is a condition related to brain development that impacts how a person perceives and socializes with others, causing problems in social interaction and communication. The disorder also includes limited and repetitive patterns of behavior.
Assumes that it has Genetic / biological cause because it is neuro-development disorder.  not exact cause is still undiscovered.


Genome structure

If genome structure or sequence have any problem that cause ASD

Abnormality in sequence

·         1st assumption

Old assumption: problem in 16th pair of chromosome causes ASD; some chromosomes are deleted but criticized on this assumption that it’s not possible. Some chromosome number decreases.

·         2nd assumption
5th  chromosomes: DNA replicates

Neurobiological reasons

·         ASD MRI: brain size is larger as compared to normal children.
·         2-4 year development of chlid brain over-increase then normal children.
·          Frontal and parental lobes (cerebral part) become large.
·         Amygdale also enlarges.

  1.  Behavioral therapy

  •          Intense-operant condition

1980-IOC based program. Modify to improve abnormal behavior by operant condition
2 groups (longitudinal study)
Parents are trained to give reinforcement on successive behavior (target _ focus)
2 groups of children including 15-20 children are selected for research.

  •          PRT: Pivotal response treatment

Target the behavior and provide reinforcement by asking the children. Pivotal Response Treatment is a naturalistic intervention model derived from ABA approaches. Rather than target individual behaviors one at a time, PRT targets pivotal areas of a child's development, such as motivation, responsivity to multiple cues, self-management, and social initiatives. 

 2. Drug treatment /medication

Motor repetition of behavior is reduced. Those who use this medicine have problems in physical activities. Somewhat controls the motor activities but not improve motor communication. Only one aspect is covered.

ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is assumed to be cause by disturbances in no. of chromosomes or brain structure. ASD has many treatments to improve the mal-adaptive behaviors.

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